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your log, log or log cabin

HABITAT RIVIERA, already recognized company with a team of professionals and more than 2000 achievements responds to the demands of its customers and creates the brand
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

No need to go to Canada or Finland to spend a night in a wooden or log cabin

Your dream of living in a wooden chalet that combines charm and authenticity ...

Your dream of a wooden chalet can come true.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

What are the advantages of timber construction today?
Timber construction is the only process these days that offers both:

  • Great architectural flexibility

  • Technical flexibility

  • High quality thermal insulation

  • Speed ​​of execution

  • A very wide choice of finishes, whether interior or exterior

  • Total respect for the environment

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First, we study your project.

Indeed, depending on the desired surface, do not forget different points and ask yourself different questions.

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My chalet must be eligible for RT 2012 or RT 2020

Do I need to submit a work declaration?

Do I need to apply for a Building Permit?

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Whether it's a new construction or an extension, we are here to answer all your questions.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Our Services ++ from the first formula

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Our team produces for you various administrative documents necessary and mandatory for the construction of your chalet

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The prior declaration is an administrative document which gives the administration the means to check that a construction project complies with the town planning rules in force. This is why subcontracting your prior declaration to professionals will provide your file with the assurance of the completion of a complete file.

Mon Chalet Bois can make the preliminary work declarations for your project.

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Building Permit <150m²

We offer you our services to carry out your building permit. We make all the necessary and mandatory plans and documents from your town hall to carry out your project.

We put all our know-how and our experience at your service to produce the documents, 2D plans, 3D plans necessary for filing the building permit.

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Thermal certificate RT2012

Since July 2012, we have been carrying out Thermal Studies to meet the obligation of RT2012. Indeed, the RT2012 requires when filing a building permit (on 01/01/2013) a certificate confirming that the construction will comply with RT2012 standards (Thermal Regulation 2012).

Our thermal engineers, in daily correspondence with the designers, optimize the plans of your future home and carry out the calculations and sizing to meet the RT2012 standard.

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                After the validation of your project we will proceed to the complete manufacture of your chalet

We offer our customers several formulas, we support you in your project according to your choice

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You are a handyman, you have the support of your friends or you prefer to take care of nothing and trust us, we adapt to your choice:

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

                  BASIC FORMULA: Assembly of administrative file Town planning, chalet manufacturing and delivery

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Formula 1 BASIC FORMULA +   assembly of the wooden frame of the chalet.

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  • Formula 2 BASIC FORMULA + assembly of the chalet and installation of exterior joinery and roofing (“out of water and out of air”).

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  • Formula 3 BASIC FORMULA +   assembly of the chalet, installation of joinery and roofing (“out of water and out of air) and installation of wall insulation.

  • In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Formula 4 BASIC FORMULA + assembly of the chalet and installation of joinery and roofing (“out of water and out of air) installation of wall insulation, floor, kitchen, bathroom. finished chalet ready to move in

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

                      EXAMPLE FORMULA 1 with wood frame assembly included

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  Set of peripheral walls of the chalets and load-bearing interior log walls

Set of rafters

Floor beam set

Insulation between logs

Antiseptic (antiseptic of all materials)

Oak dowels

Fixing material (screws, retractable bolts, anchors, fixing plates)


Cutting walls and openings for windows and doors

Preparation of strobes for electrical wiring (you position your sockets)

Flame retardant protection (treatment of wood using group I of flame retardant efficiency)

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


Our work.

In 15 years of work, our partners Charpentiers Fustiers have built around 400 different wooden houses and log cabins.

Our partnership in the construction of these wooden houses is there to serve you.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

                          We build from rounded logs and profiled solid timber.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Perhaps the most important advantage of a log cabin is its ability to "breathe".

The fact is that in such a room creates a microclimate of optimal comfort for humans, the air is imbued with a pleasant aroma, purity and freshness.

In addition, wooden chalets have exceptional thermal insulation properties, that is, in winter such a house is quite warm, since cold air from outside does not enter the room. , and in summer, on the contrary, the house remains pleasantly cool.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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Il y a tout d'abord la séduction du bois, une texture qui stimule les sensations : le grain, l'odeur, la résonance, la couleur d'une matière naturelle, chaleureuse et familière. Des atouts qui le placent largement en tête des matériaux préférés des français (57 %), bien loin devant le verre (17 %), la pierre ou le béton (3 %). Il convient de rappeler son origine végétale et son intérêt écologique.Le bois est un matériau renouvelable qui produit de l'oxygène et absorbe du gaz carbonique pour croître. Employé durablement dans le bâti, il stocke ainsi le CO2 dont les émissions menacent notre planète.

Ses qualités physiques sont impressionnantes : on considère qu'à résistance égale, une structure bois pèsera huit a dix fois moins qu'en béton. Cette légèreté permet de limiter les fondations et le volume des structures, tout en s'avérant parfaitement adaptée dans les zones sismiques,.Sa faible conductivité thermique est reconnue : le bois est 12 fois plus isolant que le béton, 350 fois plus que l'acier, 1500 fois plus que l'alu...

Le Chalet en bois est aussi un matériau d'une fabuleuse diversité, qui se prête a tous les éléments structurants d'une Chalet : portail, clôture, terrasse, bardage, couverture, charpente, mur, plancher, parquet, lambris, escalier, garde-corps, mobilier, porte, fenêtre, volet, cloisons, isolation...Et même chauffage ! Une telle capacité est unique ! Elle se décline en une multitude de produits adaptés a chaque utilisation, souvent disponibles pour le particulier en version brute ou prête a assembler.


Car, le bois est encore remarquable par sa facilité de mise en œuvre. Avec un outillage limité et bon marché, le plaisir du bricolage se double d'aspects très pratiques, efficaces et économiques.

Enfin, le confort est une chose suffisamment sérieuse pour qu'on s'y intéresse ! Durabilité, entretien, Chalet saine, architecture, isolation thermique, autonomie énergétique, coûts comparés...

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